Sunday, June 24, 2007

Humanity Awake! Your Species Needs You!

I address all human beings everywhere and I call each and every one of you to action. It is plain to see that this world is rife with injustice, incompetence, alienation, ignorance and cruelty. You have seen them between and inside various individuals, in our communities, the provinces, the nation, the world. The problems that we face are global and they are intensifying. The entire world is affected and there has never been a time in history when humanity and the earth itself have cried out for defence to the extent that they do now. Our plight can no longer be ignored. We must take responsibility and do what must be done, what is demanded of us.
The time has come to form an organization for the defence of humanity. An order of men and women who, in the spirit of Plato's Guardians, in the spirit of the chivalrous knight, will stand and proudly see to the defence, leadership and overall survival of the human species and ultimately of the earth itself. In such a way we will reaffirm the bonds that bond human society and the human race together in harmony in all our unity, in all our diversity, and forge a dignified future for us all.
Everyone committed to the cause of dignity and justice and who respects the human species, join this struggle without hesitation. For it is only by standing together that humanity will emerge victorious.
The time has come for a new order to begin.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Human Patriotism

The nucleus of a world state that is capable of safeguarding all of humanity from harm, while bringing order to the present chaos of a globalized world, can only be found in the idea of pan-human “nationalism” – a sense of universal shared solidarity centered on a common sense of humanity and a realization that we are all members of the human race and thus have a stake in its defense. Thus we all possess a stake in the common future of our species and the planet that sustains us.
This human patriotism will be a difficult concept for many people who cannot mentally move beyond the frontiers that they were born within and thus know not how to see humanity as the organic whole that it is on a universal scale.
However, I am now utterly convinced that freedoms and rights will not save us from ruin; only solidarity and community under the one banner of humanity. The threats we now face and universal and demand a universal solidarity that the present worldview cannot give us. We must unite and identify ourselves with what we are fundamentally and that is human.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Universalism is a system for human society that emphasizes the principles of dignity and solidarity and that, through balancing individual and collective needs, is free from the monstrous abuses of tyranny and from the childish pettiness of liberal-democracy. Universalism does not seek a utopia but a unified humanity, and a unified world under just and universal governance.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Scientific Premises

This philosophical journey must necessarily start at the beginning, for every philosophy must possess a strong foundation. While I am no scientist, in the present day in age a general knowledge of science is essential when seeking to explain the workings of the world and this holds true for political philosophy as well.
It is worth noting that this is certainly not the first time that political theorists have attempted to base their theories in science. The early liberal thinkers attempted to base their ideas on Galileo’s and Isaac Newton’s conceptions of physics, describing human beings fundamentally as “matter in motion.” Karl Marx attempted to create a “scientific” theory of history, just as Darwin had presented a biological theory of evolution. However, none of these theorists have been able to root their theories and philosophies in the flesh and blood of human beings – as is essential if we are to make effective prescriptions for human political organization as well as ethics and morals. Thus, I have attempted to base my theories in human biology in order to get as close as I am able to the fundamental building blocks of life.
There are two scientific premises for Universalism; premises that current political theories lack.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Purpose of This Blog

Ever since the collapse of Communism, consumer capitalism has had the run of the house so to speak and as a result we live in a world where markets reign supreme and are considered the beginning and end-point of all human aspirations and dreams. It is now accepted largely without question that free-markets are king, that they cannot be contained, they cannot be controlled, and that they are the only way to a better world for the impoverished. I have heard virtually no one, even the harshest critics of modern society, deny these basic assumptions and those who do deny them have continually proven themselves unable to come up with a viable alternative and thus they criticize and criticize while offering only a bare minimum of constructive new ideas.
It seems that increasingly we watch the bad news coming in from across the globe and at home but see no way out. We are trapped in an environment where everything is relative, where there is no higher meaning, and where few aspirations beyond becoming rich and famous exist. I believe we all want something more, but we do not know where to even begin looking and thus run around in circles chasing fads and gimmicks.
Jeremy Rifkin, an economist I have considerable respect for, once described culture as a “story” and said that if we ever were going to transcend the present situation, where economics have virtually taken over all aspects of life, than we need one extremely critical thing: “a better story.” Effectively we need a new ideology, a new way of looking at the world, and we need it now. The purpose of this blog is to present and to develop such an ideology.
In a world overrun by economic discourse it is clear that we must focus on something that is much more fundamental to human existence and happiness: the human essence and spirit itself – that which makes us who we are. Ultimately we must embrace the one thing that is universal besides economics: humanity itself. Only then can we live a life of dignity and feel true liberty that can only come through the actualization of the individual and the empowerment of the community. This is the essence of Universalism.